Strategy planning
Strategic Plan for Shandong Gaishi Future Logistics City
Fablog constructed a functional system architecture of "three platforms+six major functions " and tested and simulated logistics application scenarios of "future life scenarios+current living conditions " Based on the planning characteristics of the Gaishi Future Logistics C...
CRRC Cold Chain Logistic Demand and Trend Study Project
CRRC invited Fablog to provide cold chain logistic demand and trend study
Bitburger Logistic Strategy Developing Planning and Implementation of Package Standard Option
Fablog provided package standardization option and logistic strategy developing planning And also did economic analysis for customer in order to customized facility option The project include: company logistic entire developing option, investment cost and operation management cost, strategy orientation
“Four-Ports-in-One” National Supply Chain System Establishment
This project includes target orientation, content frame, Jinan supply chain developing analysis, implementation option, intelligent logistic planning and support measures
Wanlian Energy Beijing Logistic Strategy Planning
Fablog was invited to do the logistic strategy planning for Wanlian Energy Group
Nanling Intelligent Logistic Strategy Developing Planning
Fablog provided intelligent logistic strategy for Nanling, which include marketing research, industry identification, strategy identification, developing theory, industry target, developing tasks, major projects, and support policies
Fablog logistics consulting&planning, experts of logistics and supply chain