Fablog news
Intelligent Production Logistics and Automated Stereoscopic Warehouse of FAW Jiefang New Factory in Liuzhou

Recently, Fablog successfully completed the planning and implementation support of intelligent production logistics and line-side automated stereoscopic warehouse in the new factory of FAW Jiefang in Liuzhou. The new factory construction project will build an intelligent chemical plant of “Medium and Thick Plate Processing, Welding, Coating, and Final Assembly” according to intelligent manufacturing standards.

Upon entrustment, Fablog conducted logistics planning and design for the pre-production, in-production, and post-production logistics of the new factory in Liuzhou, and established a set of logistics operation standards for the production lines of each workshop of the new factory in Liuzhou based on the standard of intelligent manufacturing 3.0, which not only meets the needs of customers to improve logistics efficiency and reduce total logistics costs, but also forms a logistics system with rapid response, standardization, and flexible production. Fablog supports customers to achieve the goal of building high-quality, low-cost, multi-variety, small-batch, and digital new factories. The project aims at achieving improvement from informatization, automation, and intelligence, and maximizing the design concept of customers to improve the intelligent level of factory logistics in an all-around way.

Informatization improvement: Achieving 100% synchronization rate of logistics process informatization;

Automation improvement: The logistics process adopts automation integration.

Intelligence improvement: Establishing a visible and controllable logistics control tower to realize the visual control of the whole logistics process;

Fablog logistics consulting&planning, experts of logistics and supply chain