Opinions |Zhang Qianming:Urban Underground Logistics should be on the Agenda Now
2019-03-14 Fablog

The urban underground logistics system, also known as the underground freight system, refers to a new concept of transportation and supply system that utilizes load-bearing tools such as automatic guided vehicles (AGVs) and dual purpose trucks (DMTs) to transport solid goods through large diameter underground pipelines, tunnels, and other transportation channels.

1、 The benefits and advantages of urban underground logistics

The first is to improve the urban environment. The underground logistics system adopts dedicated transportation routes, which can avoid external interference and have high transportation efficiency; Moreover, due to the use of clean energy, environmental pollution is reduced, and underground transportation reduces the impact of noise on people's lives, resulting in an improvement in the quality of life for citizens. According to the evaluation of the 300 kilometer underground logistics system constructed in Tokyo, Japan, the levels of NOx and CO2 in the atmosphere have decreased by 10% and 18%, respectively. At the same time, energy consumption decreased by 18% and transportation speed increased by 24%.

Secondly, it is conducive to improving the efficiency of urban logistics. The urban underground logistics system is combined with logistics distribution centers and large retail enterprises to achieve network interconnection. Customers place orders online, and the logistics center quickly sorts them at the logistics center. They are transported or distributed through the underground pipeline logistics intelligent transportation system and sorting distribution system. They can also be combined with urban commercial supermarkets to establish underground logistics distribution in commercial supermarkets.

Thirdly, urban residents' shopping is more convenient and efficient. The terminal distribution of underground logistics system can be connected to the transportation pipelines of residential buildings, ultimately developing into an underground pipeline logistics transportation network that connects various residential buildings or residential areas in the city, and achieving high intelligence. When this underground logistics system is built, people only need to click the mouse to purchase any product. The purchased goods quickly "flow" into the home through underground pipelines, just like tap water.

2、 The Development Status of Underground Logistics in Foreign Cities

The large-scale application of underground logistics in foreign cities started very early. In January 1996, the Netherlands began researching an underground logistics system connecting Amsterdam Schiphol Airport, Aslwmeer Flower Market, and Hoofddorp Railway Transfer Station. The system was finally completed and put into operation in 2004.

Since 1998, Germany has built an underground freight system from Cologne to Dortmund, with a length of approximately 80 kilometers; The system is driven by three AC motors, with a pipeline diameter of 2 meters and a speed of 36 kilometers/hour. At present, the Cargocap underground pipeline logistics distribution system currently in use in Germany should be the most advanced form of pipeline logistics system. The transportation tools are designed based on aerodynamic principles, and rollers are used to bear the load. Guide wheels are installed on the side to control the operation trajectory, and the necessary auxiliary devices are directly installed in the pipeline. The transportation vehicle is driven by a traditional three-phase motor and operates in an underground pipeline with a diameter of approximately 2m under unmanned conditions, while being monitored by a radar monitoring system. The operation of a single transport vehicle in the system is automatic, guided and controlled by a computer; Although the transport vehicles are not connected by any mechanical means, the distance between them can be kept small for group transportation when the transportation task is large. The minimum distance can be controlled within 2. Om through a radar control system. In this control system, transport vehicles can enter and exit freely without causing a decrease in operating speed. Under normal circumstances, a constant transportation speed of 36km/h can be achieved through this system. This underground pipeline fast logistics transportation system will form a future urban three-dimensional transportation system together with traditional ground transportation and urban underground rail transit. Research on underground logistics in cities in Germany and the United States shows that building underground logistics systems in all cities across the country can share 30% of the total domestic cargo transportation, which can transport 245 million tons of goods annually; The underground logistics system in the central area of Tokyo, Japan can also bear 30% of the current truck transportation volume in the central area.

3、 The necessity and feasibility of developing urban underground logistics in China

With the rapid development of urbanization in China, the supply of urban surface land is becoming increasingly tight, traffic congestion is long-term, and ecological environmental problems are becoming increasingly serious. It is necessary to explore new sustainable urban freight transportation models. It is necessary to develop urban underground logistics to solve these problems. Taking Beijing as an example, in 2002, there were nearly 100 heavily congested intersections and road sections during peak hours in the urban area, accounting for over 20%. The average peak travel speed of urban level crossings (excluding expressways) is only 9-14 kilometers per hour, with less than 10 kilometers per hour within the Second Ring Road. The average travel time of public transportation within the urban area is 58 minutes, with an average travel distance of 9.9 kilometers and an average travel speed of 10.2 kilometers per hour. Relevant data shows that 60% of the city's lines have a full load rate of over 80%, while freight vehicles occupy nearly 40% of road resources. If an underground logistics system is developed, it can divert ground freight traffic, promote the smoothness of cargo transportation, reduce traffic accident rates, and leave huge development space for private cars.

Therefore, in recent years, many cities in China have also begun to use underground logistics as one of the measures to solve urban logistics difficulties and promote urban construction.

More than a decade ago, China began researching underground logistics systems, but there is still little practical planning and application. Currently, only Shanghai has been officially included in the planning. In November 2016, Shanghai released the "13th Five Year Plan for Urban and Rural Construction and Management in Shanghai", which clearly stated that by 2020, Shanghai will build 100 kilometers of new underground comprehensive pipe corridors and reserve functional channels for underground logistics, energy transmission, and other purposes to achieve intensive use and sustainable development of underground space. It is understood that Shanghai currently has over 80 million square meters of underground space, but there is no real underground logistics system yet, and it is still only in the research and planning stage.

However, China has reached international standards in the technical aspect of urban underground logistics, especially in the research on the "last mile" of urban underground logistics, which has made breakthrough progress. For example, the "LuGuo Intelligent System for Seed Transportation, Classification and Storage", produced by Guojingrong Investment Fund Management (Beijing) Co., Ltd. and designed and supervised by the Institute of Automation of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, is a new application of "pipeline intelligent logistics system" in the seed industry. It is China's own innovative equipment with completely independent intellectual property rights.

This system is actually the prototype of a solution for the "last mile" of urban logistics, as its above ground rail logistics can smoothly connect with underground pipeline logistics. The system is also designed based on the concept of joint operation of above ground and underground dual systems, saving 90% energy compared to traditional logistics, intelligent distribution, precise diversion, and non manual automatic delivery to households, It is an ideal solution for the world's urban underground logistics to break through the "last mile" dilemma.

In short, urban underground logistics, with its advantages of low cost, efficiency, and punctuality, has effectively solved the "logistics bottleneck" that restricts the development of e-commerce. On the one hand, underground logistics can divert surface freight traffic and promote the smoothness of goods transportation; On the other hand, underground logistics are not affected by climate and weather, and can achieve intelligent and uninterrupted logistics transportation, effectively connecting the transportation process. In the future, the underground logistics system, as a feasible and innovative green logistics method, will become the only way to innovate the urban logistics industry model.


Author: Zhang Qianming, currently Vice Chairman of the Food Logistics Professional Committee of the China Food Industry Association, Consultant of the Urban Logistics Branch of the China Transportation Association, and Vice Chairman of the Food and Pharmaceutical Informationization Promotion Association of the China Electronic Chamber of Commerce.

2010/11 to 2011/11:

After retirement, he served as the Deputy Editor in Chief of Logistics Times Magazine and the Deputy Secretary General of the Express Branch of the China Transportation Association.


Served as the Executive Vice President and Secretary General of the Food Logistics Professional Committee of the China Food Industry Association.


Served as the executive editor in chief of China Food Industry Journal and China Food Industry Network.

August 1988 to October 2000:

Served as the Deputy Director of the Editorial Office, Director of the Journalism Department, Director of the Advertising Department, and Chief Editor of the Editorial Office of China Business Daily. During this period, the news review program "Street Talks and Lane Talks" hosted by me was published by the China Writers Association.

Selected as the second prize of the National Excellent News Program, and published the book "Don't Teach Me to Spend Money" in 1997, which received high praise in the industry.

June 1984 to September 1988

Served as the Director of the News Department and Editorial Office of China Food News.

June 1983 to June 1984:

The Director of the Editorial Department of the Science and Technology Market Newspaper participated in the establishment of the Science and Technology Market Newspaper, and successively held positions such as Director of the Editorial Department.

February 1982 to September 1983:

Served as an editor and journalist in the editorial department of the supplement of China Rural Enterprise Newspaper.

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